Sunday, May 3, 2009

Barati Palshigar. Ulithi Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia

Barati Palshigar believes strongly in that ignorance is the main reason for the Zombie War. Mr. Palshigar worked for Radio Free Earth. Their job was to give out information. The job, for Barati, was to sort out information that was misleading and, utterly, stupid. This kind of information involves basic survival skill, how to fight the zombies correctly, and, even, religious matters as well. One of the religious stories was that if you wanted to be “cleansed” of the “curse”, you had to have intercourse with a virgin. Think of all the girls who got raped unwillingly. Are some of the religious ways correct? Is it right to just rape a girl so that you’ll be “cleansed”?
He also mentions the IR, the Information Reception. Their job was to process the information and hand it over to Palshigar’s department. It was a horrible job. You had to listen to all these cries and sad voices. They couldn’t respond back either, they just weren’t allowed to. That job became fatally contagious amongst themselves. One kid, an 18-year-old, couldn’t take it anymore and killed himself right then and there. Eventually, after that suicide, all of the operators committed suicide. None are left today. Even his best friend did so, as well.

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