Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Todd Wainios. Denver, Colorado, USA

Todd Wainios is a loving family man with a wife and a studious sun. He tells me his story as I help him with his dishes. I believe he is thankful for the help.
He begins off with telling me that he served at Yonkers, an epic battle that ended up in a mass failure. The next battle that is the main focus of our conversation. This battle was at Hope, New Mexico. This was mostly an all infantry battle with a few humvees. This battle was fought with the SIR, the Standard Infantry Rifle. They used a mock off version of the AK-47. This rifle had a few extra features like this point where it can stab like a bayonet. It also used a different type of round, the NATO 5.56 “Cherry PIE.” PIE stands for pyrotechnically initiated explosive. These rounds shattered on impact and the fragments would enter into the brain and burn. They also used the “Lobo” just in case.
They fought in an open desert area. They created 2 lines with a sharpshooter in front and a reservist behind the first. The reservist’s role was to change places once the person in front had to reload. This was a very effective. In doing so, this allowed for continuous fire. There were also the Sandlers. These people were the resupply guys. If somebody raised their weapon in the air, then a Sandler would come over and give him more ammo, and took the empty magazines and reloaded them. There was an excessive amount of supplies, far more than what was needed, but it helped. If this strategy was used in Yonkers, would have Yonkers turn out differently?
The battle was fierce, relentless, and long. Zack just kept on coming. It lasted 15 hours. Eventually, it ended with a victory in our favor. The reward was great. He got all the sleep he wanted the following day. Morale was up and the battle to retake America has begun with a victory.

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