Friday, April 17, 2009

"Breck", Vostok Station: Antarctica

I recently met with Breckinridge Scott. It was interesting where I met him; in a reinforced, geodesic greenhouse. As I talk with him, he mentions "fear" a lot. He tells me that "fear" is the most valuable commodity in the universe. People today might say nuclear or biological weapons are an issue as well. As I learned, he makes a so-called vaccine for “African rabies” and sells it to the public. Nothing illegal, right? The FDA (Food and Drug Association) approved this “vaccine” and the only way to get it was through a prescription. I asked if it worked, and he told me, “yes, for rabies.” I even found out that he was making money off of scares like the “dirty bomb scares” by selling anti-radiation pills and other products. Was this morally correct? How should I know? Phalanx is a psychological reassurance that consumers thought would protect them from their fears. This man, used the people for personal interest, but it wasn’t all bad. This invention helped to jump-start the economy again, for awhile at least.


Fredy Vargas said...

i donr think that it would be considered morally correct because it is a vaccine for rabies also i agree with the selling of it.

nick giannini said...

I don't think that what he was doing was morally correct, and i also think it was corrupt and dangerous for him. The vaccine for rabies wouldn't work on the infected, and the people that put their trust in this product to cure their loved ones would most likely try and put Breckinridge under custody of kill him themselves.

Ryan Beneduce said...

I think that this vaccine made people think that they were safe when they really wanted too, so no, i don't think that this was correct. All he tried to do was make people think that if they took the vaccine, that they would indeed be safe from the "rabies."

Jesus Molina said...

I did not like his intentions .What he did was morally wrong why would you try to sell people something that you know will have no effect? He took advantage of people's fear and used it to gain wealth which right now is of no use. He might have given hope to people but selling this product further endangered everyone.If someone in your family was bitten and you thought there was a cure you would put yourself in danger thinking you could save him to later find out that there was no cure. This guy is just a selfish humans being who only looks after himself and has no values to guide him.

Salvador Navarro said...

Well, I think that it is good, a little, because the vaccine could have really been saving people. He also actually may have been trying to help people.