Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Colonel Christina Eliopolis. Parnell Air National Guard Base, Tennessee

The newest intervies I just recently had was with Colonel Christina Eliopolis. She was a pilot for the Air Force who, originally, was flying the F/A 22 Raptor. The Raptor is the most advanced aircraft of its time. Stealth and high efficiency are incorporated into this wonderful piece of machine.
One day, she had a mission to resupply. Unfortunately, something happened to her aircraft. The airplane somehow split into two, taking Christina out with it. She was lucky, able to pull her chute out and save her life. If she hadn’t, this amazing story would have never been shared.
She landed in a forest-like area. She had a survival kit and other supplies so that she could hold off for the time being. In her past, she had some special training that helped her incase of when/if Zack should attack. Her radio was probably one of her biggest assets. Someone from Skywatch, contacted her and kept on the radio with her. Her name was identified as “Mets Fan”. She helped to guide Christina to her S&R rendezvous point. She stayed on the radio the whole way. Sometimes Christina had a bit of trouble and Mets would talk with her. When Christina asked personal questions about Mets, no information was given.
Christina had a few encounters, rather bad ones to be exact. One time, she was lying in her make-shift bed, and when she woke up, there was Zack everywhere. She jumped down, cracking her ankle. That is utterly painful and unbearable. She had to run and keep going. Mets was with her the whole time, yelling and saying whatever the hell would keep Christina to keep on moving. She eventually reached the overpass where she was told to by Mets to reach. She was rescued. It is amazing how people could be so determined and supportive at times, like the Skywatcher. It turns out Christina may have never actually talked to Mets for real, unless her radio survived the hard landing. When she landed, she mentioned that the radio broke, but she still survived, miraculously.

1 comment:

Daniel Gonzales said...

I think that Christina made up "Mets." I think that she made up this lady as a way to push herself when she was running out of inspiration. Nevertheless, without "Mets" by her side, I do not think that she would have been able to get to safety.