Sunday, April 19, 2009

Travis D'Ambrosia. Vaalajarvi, Finland

I was honored to spend time with the Supreme Allie Commander of Europe, Travis D’Ambrosia. I don’t believe that many reporters would get a chance to talk to a person with a high position after a major incident like the Walking Plague. What caught my attention was right at the beginning was when he admitted to me that he wouldn’t deny that mistakes were made. I would have guessed he would have tried to cover it up, maybe. So, a meeting in the UN was happening and, he said, that it was pretty sketchy in the beginning, but it became more “liberating” as it went on.
I asked other questions as well, aside from the UN meeting. I asked him if he had any private suspicions. He nodded and told me that he did even months before the Israeli declaration. Also, I was surprised that he did not hear about the Warmbrunn-Knight report. For a man of his stature, you would assume he gets the top and newest information that comes out. I recall him saying that he didn’t get a hold of it until two years after the Great Panic, and that it was, militarily, almost the same as our actions.
He told me about Phase One, a complete annihilation of the threat, which then created the Alpha Teams. Sadly, Phase Two was never initiated because of the high cost associated with it and its affect on taxpayers. He tells me that they weren’t prepared well enough at the beginning, but he defends his system and says that must never be “so abused” again.

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