Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sardar Khan. Udaipur Lake Palace, Lake Pichola, Rajasthan, India

I just caught up with a man by the name of Sardar Khan, who is a civilian engineer. The first thing that he said, right off the bat, was that there were monkeys everywhere. But that is not the topic of my interview. Apparently, Mr. Khan was doing a road project when, suddenly, he was grabbed him. It was Sergeant Mukherjee who grabbed him and made him drive a jeep. The Sergeant had a device on his lap, a detonator. He was given a order to blow the explosives on the bridge then and there, but he refused because he didn’t want to commit murder. General Raj-Singh appeared! He was so amazed and happy. He saw the Tiger of Delhi! I don’t know if meeting someone that nobody else knows is such a great honor, don’t you think so? They were both told by the General that the plan to blow the bridge was essential or “Shiva’s Wrath” would be executed, which meant the use of a thermonuclear weapon. The General took the detonator, pushed the buttons, but nothing happened. Again he tried. Nothing. The General did a heroic thing. He went out the other way towards the explosives to detonate them. Mr. Khan and the Sergeant went to assist, wanting to be heroes too. They went into hell and chaos getting through the crowds of angry people. Mr. Khan fell under a microbus. The explosives went off. The General and lots of other things were blown up. People felt that this was a turning point and that they were safe.
A monkey peed on him at the end…

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