Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nury Televaldi, Lhasa: P.R.T.

Just recently, I had a conversation with Nury Televaldi, a drug and human trafficker. Not only is this illegal but, also, dangerous. He was in it for the money. I honestly disagree with doing something just for money because I feel that you should do something with some passion, instead of money. Doing something that you enjoy always seems more rewarding and a lot more efficient in the long run. Wouldn’t you agree? He also revealed that a lot of the infected were beginning to be transported by air. This air smuggling changed air restrictions, and, so, they became much tighter but only in certain countries. “You could get around, though,” he told me. He had a saying which reflected poor security that the countries currently had. For example, say Western Europe increased its security, just go right through Eastern Europe to Western Europe. There is always a backdoor. Also, he told me of some “solutions” that his associates had, like a ship would pull up to any random coast and “unload” the infected ones. Mr. Televaldi had a lot of guts to tell me his “job” and some of the stuff he did. I would guess that this kind of work would get you some hard time in jail and major fines.

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